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Game is challenging (especially off Casual mode) but still fun to play. It's hard to balance difficulty and fun-ness but the game does a good job not being too frustrating to complete. Movement feels good, the style is coherent and enemies are fair. I think the most disappointing part of the game was it ending! I hope you eventually add more stages/bosses.

Un bon petit jeux, à la sauce die and retry je trouve.

Les animations sont belles et on ressent les impactes lorsque l'on attaque, une expériance réussie, même si, un peut trôt éxigant à mon goût, je n'est malheureusement pas réussie à vaincre le boss. Je conseille à tous d'essayer ce bon petit jeux, surtout pour les plus aguerries.

Thanks for trying out the game! I am glad you liked it and made your way to the boss. I think it is the highlight of the game and am afraid that most people won't make it far enough to eperience it.

Fun little game even though I found it pretty challenging!

Honestly, I beat it on Normal only once. I usually play Casual mode. Maybe I should rename the difficulties)